Homeless Solutions

:: Solutions to the Homeless Problem ::

This documents solutions for compassionate people, charity organization or government agency to help homeless move off homelessness. Mr. Cheng has years of person to person experience helping hundreds of homeless to get off street in Greater New York area and remotely through Internet. He has published thousands of solutions on homeless issues. He is a hands on homeless expert helping homeless people to get off street in the United States using his own money.
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:: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 ::

Library can be your Living Room and Office

Dr Jyh from Key West FL rented a furnished room right next to Edison Library for only $500 a month. Every morning he walk to the library to read World Journal and other magazines. He said the library is like his living room and his friends can meet him there.

Boss Hu also goes to library every day when he comes back from Taiwan for a week or two to do his business; he said library is like his office. He plays very cool and calm and find himself a very small corner at the first floor children area.

Frank drove his brand new Toyota Yarvis to Piscataway Library every morning after complimentary breakfast at Piscataway Senior Center next door. He uses the Internet computer there brought his lunch, a microwaved yam, to eat at the newly renovated cafe area around 2pm and go home. He does not eat dinner; he said dinner is not good for long life health.
:: Mr Cheng 1:52 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, September 04, 2011 ::
Long Stay Hotels vs Senior Housing

Long Stay Hotels has becoming one of the Homeless Solutions that is cost effective with community sense. It is not much different from many brand new popular Senior Housing which also has long stay hotel setup except that seniors do not need to move out every 28 days, and they have more common facilities such as library room with Internet access, breakfast area with free breakfast once in a while. It also depending on the luxury of senior housing which is similar to various levels of long stay hotels.

So, for homeless can not afford apartments or families not having permanent jobs, do not hesitate to consider long stay hotel. The tip is that if you pay by week, it is about 4 days fee. e.g. If every day hotel charges $40, if you pay by week, it charges only about $160, but if you pay by month, it will be about 3 weeks, i.e. $480, which has further saving. Apartments often requires one year lease, whereas, many families have only short term jobs such as 3 month to 6 month contracts and may need to relocate every so often.

Many charity organizations or social welfare department often use long stay hotels as shelter for emergency family stay before section 8 housing available which may take months.
:: Mr Cheng 2:45 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, September 03, 2011 ::
On A Dollar A Day vs 99 Cents Buffet

I read a book called On A Dollar A Day in the Border store closing sale, and I sent the authors, a couple who are high school teacher in San Diego, one of my homeless solution, i.e. 99 Cent Buffet.

Basically, it came from Mr. Lin's Lunch Box Buffet in New York Chinatown where I took many homeless people to eat. It charges $4 a meal with 4 out of 100 dishes with free rice and soup (not all you can eat type). According to Mr. Lin, $1 goes to store rent, $1 goes to wage, $1 goes to food and $1 goes to his profit. So, after 5pm, the take out will have $1 discount, i.e. only $3 a meal, and you can trade free rice with another dish.

Since the portion is big, so I showed homeless people to drink the soup first, and save half rice and half of 4 dishes into the soup bowl for next day brunch, and eat the rest, do not waste. Now, even better, they use box rather than plate.

So, how does 99 Cents Buffet work? For $1 food cost, you can not save, but $1 for store rent, high schools can save it by using high school cooking facility and cafeteria, and $1 wage can use high school volunteers or build into club or cooking class and training program such as Special Kids and Regular Kids program. And, high school is the hub of each town, many homeless American all went to high school. You may even provide the meals to seniors or poor families.
:: Mr Cheng 11:54 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, May 02, 2011 ::
Bus or Fly American Homeless Back Home

One powerful way to help homeless people to move off homelessness on street is to help them a bus ticket or airplane ticket to go home. I am glad to read the news today that Atlantic City Looks to Bus More Homeless Back Home. I believe that will work and work toward mutual benefits of over 500 homeless people stuck in Atlantic City and the casino business itself.

In fact, this homeless solution has exist for many years. For example, Salvation Army has Homeward program to help homeless home, and New York City also has done similar. Providing a homeless shelter often become very expensive. A one way ticket often much more cost effective.
:: Mr Cheng 2:30 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, March 24, 2011 ::
Chuck E Cheese may be a good resource for you and your family

In the past, many homeless or unemployed people use bookstores such as Barnes and Noble or Borders as day time shelter, however, many do not know Chuck E Cheese may also be a good resource for you and your family. Why?

It open early and close late like 9am to 11pm, and most day time the whole stores are almost vacant, lots of desk and comfortable chairs to sit and relax. Even better, every game is only one token, and you can print out free token coupon on their website to get some free token to play once in a while to feel great for you or your family. You may also find the cup of all you can drink gives you full day of supply, especially cold winter time and hot summer time. You may drink different soda, tea or water, and bring an extra cup with you when you leave. Be sure to keep your cup so that you can use next time your visit. Just throw away the straw and cap and watch and dry the cup for next time use. The rest room is often very nice and clean to use, and you may find it comfortable to brush your teeth.

What else you can do? You can bring your lap top and find a spot has WIFI from neighborhood stores such as Staple. It is very good to use computer at Chuck E Cheese, especially watch movies thru Netflex. It is very cost effective to watch lots of movies at $8.99 a month without having to worry about renting from library or fine or pick up and return. Even better, you can share Netflix account with others and multiple people watch at the same time at different computer. If you really can not afford $8.99 a month, you may find the one month free trial account very good. With that one month free, you can watch hundreds of movies before it expires, and you may catch up other free stuff on web and wait for next free month to come.
:: Mr Cheng 12:45 AM [+] ::

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