:: Sunday, September 17, 2006 ::
Building an Epidemic Network to Prevent Many American Families from Becoming Homelessness
Recently, I received a reader of my Homeless Solutions Blog (see attached), asking me why my blog has not had new entry since March. On the one hand, I thought I had pointed out an very effective way thru Internet for homeless prospects to find resourceful American peer who have extra resource to buy stocks may give them a hand from Yahoo stock message board. That solution is a quick, massive and enormous because even if we got 8 million homeless families, we got many more times of wealthy stock investors American families that their whereabouts can be easily found in this Yahoo stock message board.
On the other hand, I have been very busy buidling an Epidemic Network to prevent hundreds of thousands of American families to become homeless when they could not sell their home while have to in the years to come. Don't think a millionaire family living in his or her multi million dollars house will not become homeless. e.g. A family in Montville NJ bought their $1.5 million dollar house with 1/3 of down payment (wow! half million cash!) and mortgage the rest, now due to job loss and had to sell the house surprisingly found out they were not able to sell for 186 days, and the listing price has dropped down to $999,000. If they were able to sell it at full price, after paying back the mortgage, they lost all their half million down payment, and they may even need to come out more money to pay realtor commission and closing cost at the closing table.
What if even worse, people like them can NOT sell the house at all? say for 3 years? Eventually, they will have to file bankrupcy and let mortgage companies foreclose the house and bank with too many such delinquencies may itself file Chapter 11 like early 90's. It is like domino effect. So, what is the solution for that?
My solution is an Epidemic Network that is fast enough to identify massive prospective home buyers and educate them and help them buy their first home, whether it is a 1br 1ba condo or 4br single family house. Doing so will minimize the real estate down turn impact, and, even proactively saving hundreds of thousands desperated American families, who otherwise would not be able to sell their home and become homeless. When one family could sell their home, they could buy a smaller one or rent a place to call home, otherwise, market will push their home value lower and lower, eventually, eat up all their life savings and assets.
How does this Epidemic Network do in theory? So far there is no such type of computer network exists, according to Computer Information Science Proferssor Mark speicialized in computer archetecture at Univ of Penn, he could only came out a book called Tipping Point that described some phenominon. After I read the book later, I believe my Epidenic Network will generate what Mr. Gladwell described but in a far advanced and highly automated and integreated way.
I often analog a homeless person like a person drowning in the water, if there is someone else to give the drowning person a hand, s/he will get out of water much sooner that if s/he has to do it all by him/herself. For the same token, a prospective home buyer may take 3 to 5 years, eventaully, learn all the beneift of buying home and eventually do that, but if there are someone else helping him or her in an epidite manner, he or she may end up buy the home in less than a year. So the power I have to help those who would not be able to sell their house but have to before their housing value collapsed is to create buyers, or turn the prospective buyers into real buyers in a very short amount of time.
I have proven the methodology worked back in 90's, helping close to thousand families sold their condo, townhouses, houses ... and what I am doing is to make that process faster, in fact, much much faster. e.g. I used to have to educate one prospective buyer one at a time, but recently, I went into a community group of 33 tenants and successfully educate 18 buyer prospects to all went out to buy condos or townhouses not long ago. My "education package to prospective buyers" could be one example of what Mr. Gladwell called a "social virus" that spread very fast and massively thru my Epidemic Network.
------------------------------------- From: "T. J. Carroll" Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 20:47:49 -0500 To: "Mr. Cheng" Subject: Re: why has your ..
The blog on "solutions for the homeless". I think this blog and your solutions are marvelous. I honestly think the United States and the World could be a much better place for all through your leadership and solutions. I'm honored to get a e-mail back from you.
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 12:26:09 -0700 (PDT) From: "Mr. Cheng" Subject: Re: why has your .. To: "T. J. Carroll"
Dear Carroll, Thanks for your message... Which blog do you refer? I got hundreds of blogs ...
--- "T. J. Carroll" wrote: > blog have no new entries since march?
:: Mr Cheng 1:59 AM [+] ::